Region: Recife, Brazil (New Holland)

“ Johan Nieuhof, Gedenkweerdige Brasiliaense Zee- en Lantreize (Amsterdam, 1682), 14-15.Recife, Maurits-stad and Antonio Vaz.
Recife is, as a result of its conveniently advantageous situation, the most secure place in all of Brazil: and is further protected and strengthened by various fortifications, forts, and redoubts located throughout and nearby.
“ Johan Nieuhof, Gedenkweerdige Brasiliaense Zee- en Lantreize (Amsterdam, 1682), 17.Mauritsstad was fortified on either end with a redoubt or fort: because just outside the city, on the south side, lay the fort Fredrik Hendrik, and at the other side, (one) called Five-Corners after its five-cornered form of five bulwarks.